Thursday, May 29, 2014

And the words come up like shoots from the soil of my imagination...

The semester is over and I have started to shift gears into personal projects and writing. It is a welcome change to the hustle and bustle of the semester. Like scratching an inch that you haven’t been able to reach because you have been stuck in a position that you have to hold. Don’t get me wrong, I do some writing while classes are in session. I just don’t get to work on the projects that I want to work on. Unfortunately, I just don’t have the energy for in depth personal writing projects after a full class load if it doesn't have a grade attached to it. If I get an idea that I want to work on outside of class I am quick to get the stub of the idea into a word document usually attaching a web link or whatever it was that I was listening to that inspired the concept. All of those little stubs would sit on my desk waiting to be told. It is a good little system that I came up with to keep from forgetting something. 

Now that the semester is over I have dived head first into all those little stubs that I have been waiting patiently for me. What I am finding is that the system works. I am able to unravel and find the excitement for an idea that I had days, weeks, or months ago. If I can’t find that excitement or the idea doesn't make sense I put it the idea folder and come back to it later.

I am also editing a play that I wrote when I first got here called Drone. This is in conjunction with the Robot Theatre Class I will be taking this fall.  We may not be using the play due to its length, but working on it puts me in the right mind set. I also hope to learn what robots and drones can do and how they can be used in conjunction with theatre.

I am also submitting more. I have one story, Things My Mother Never Told Me¸ out for review at If you haven’t heard of it, go check it out. You can find it on itunes or though the Psuedopod site. Wish me luck.

I am also looking for German language film and television shows to keep my German sharp.  Anyone have any suggestions?

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